Club 107

By club107

My favourite things #3 brambles

What was initially going to be a majorly chaotic day has thus far turned out to be not that chaotic at all actually. We cancelled one of htis weekend's three parties, and two out of three dance classes were also canned. So amazingly we found ourselves doing somethin I wanted to do.

I have to say I am much inspired by the goings on of Mr EcoDad and his foraging forays and I do like to do the same. None better than brambles, the girls pick them to go with my ersatz Special K, and we picked a good quantity for hopefully making some jam. My mother used to make brilliant fruit jams, so it is about time I did the same, I should maybe check her cookery tip archives to see if I can find a good recipe.

Arms stung and scratched but you are out and about getting fresh air finding nature's produce. Met a fellow from a local allotment who was also on the hunt for some of the berries. Which makes me think that we should get growing on the allotment front also, one of these days.

A lovely day, lunch in garden and general tidying. Out tonight for party #1.

If anyone has the best bramble jelly recipe ever I'm interested.


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