These Things I Love

By candi

Graceful Death

The undirected path of embracing the fear of death
To fear the one thing that is guaranteed us to begin with.


My derailed, quiet heart urges me to embrace that end.
Whispering from the cortex of where I truly reside it questions?
Why make the journey if you're not going to spend some time enjoying the sights?
Make mistakes, come closer to the edge, hang your head out the window at high speeds, and feel the wind in your hair.

Cry, laugh, and love...
Make allowance for hurt, and to be broken.
In the wake of destruction preview the pieces...
In loving dedication pick them up and reconstruct.
Never lose site of the masterpiece you are creating.

And in the end when the bloom is fading don't forget to recognize the beauty of it's passing, and how it never forgot to truly live.

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