
By shutterbuggery

Psycho killer, Qu'est-ce que c'est?

6:35 pm: I arrive home from work.
6:36 pm: Ooh, boxes on my stoop addressed to me!
6:37 pm: Opening the boxes on the couch, one from my sister (mmm cookies and a mix CD!) and one from my pal Nikki that is stuffed with goodies for Rita. Rita goes for the Alligator stuffed squeaky toy - she has a thing for green, amphibious creatures*
6:40 pm: I grab my camera and do my best at capturing her feverish gnawing of the poor creature.
6:45 pm: Rita begins to perform brain surgery on the alligator.
6:46 pm: Rita wants to eat the alligator's brains (I think to myself Oh no! Is my dog a zombie???)
6:47 pm: I replace alligator with new chewie bone from Nikki's care package and proceed to completely gut the poor alligator, still feeling a bit anxious about my dog's obsession with green animals and eating their brains...

I love my puppy a lot, I just hope she's not a zombie... Though I suppose if it takes her 12 minutes to brain an alligator, it would probably take her a bit longer to brain a human and therefore (hopefully) the victim would have time to escape... If the victim tries to kill my zombie dog, though, he will be very sorry (and very dead).

*The day I adopted her, we went to the pet store where she proceeded to pick up a green, frog/tennis ball toy and drop it into my shopping basket, no joke. The frog lasted about 24 hours before his legs had to amputated and another 24 hours before his arms were also amputated...

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