Northern Exposure

By Northern


It's Steven's birthday today. I didn't manage to quite crack the special occassion bit this year.

Firstly, the eedjit goes and buys himself the pressie I had planned to get him. I did give him a doing for that, he's the one always going on at the kids that you don't buy yourself things just before birthdays.

Then I'm so damn busy working and then enjoying myself on holiday that I didn't quite get around to arranging the second version of the pressie. So it wont arrive until at least next week.

Next, he does it again. The CD one of the boys was going to get him, he announces he downloaded it whilst we were away... duh!!!

So yesterday, I did a mad dash to the shops and picked up a different CD and a book he's been wanting for ages. I achieved that but forgot all about cards and wrapping paper. Solution, get the kids to make some... didn't work, I had to go out to a meeting and forgot all about it. Result was the poor soul was handed a couple of pressies in plastic bags. And no cards.

Decided the least I could do was to make it up to him by cooking him a decent dinner and a spiced apple cake... damn, no ice cream to go with it! Still, he cleaned his plate, went back for seconds, downed a heather ale and polished off a huge bit of cake. We even managed to stick a candle in it and sing happy birthday vaguely in tune.

Now he's snoozing happily on the sofa.

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