Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Miss F & Miss B

Little Miss F and little Miss B will be two years old soon, and I finally just got to meet them both. They are the grand-baby twins of my very good friend K. Her son was on campus today, so they stopped by my office. I was so pleased to finally meet them, and even more pleased their papa let me take some photos. :) I don't often get to photograph little girls, so it's always exciting when I get a moment. And the convert to b&w was a necessity, as the walls of my office are a kiwi lime (makes people glow unnaturally in photos).

Today was school photo day, but I'm cheap and didn't send the money with my son. I can't seem to justify paying for something that I can do myself. He still got his photo taken for record, but we'll be following up with our own shoot this afternoon.

It was back to work today and nothing particularly special. I had some good discussions, avoided a nasty confrontation by reminding the person he was my track coach in high school, and circumvented some barriers.

3 good things today:
1. My son showed me the garden at school and the wheat he had planted.
2. I found out the type of migraines I've been having are most likely a result of sinus issues. Call to doctor soon to be had.
3. My husband fixed the dresser. So there wasn't really anything wrong with it. I just didn't set the drawers in the grooves. I was setting them on top of the rails. I am a moron but a happy one!!

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