Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


My little girl got to come to the baby shower that I helped plan and organize for a very good friend today. She came bouncing into the building with a huge smile, black patent leather shoes, and a twirly skirt. She was excited. Beyond excited!

Her little friend was at the shower as well and between the two of them, they completely stole the show. The brought each gift to the 'Mommy-to-be of three' and helped her open each and every one. The pink cupcakes were a hit and the icing made its way all over my little sweetheart's face.

And the balloons. Oh the balloons. A dozen balloons and my daughter was in love with them. I tied the bundle to her little wrist and she ran and ran and ran with the balloons chasing her. I wouldn't have even been surprised if the bundle of balloons lifted her clear off the ground. She is a tiny little love. That is for sure.

Two more weeks until sweet baby girl is due to arrive. We are all so excited to meet her. And she has two big brothers who grin from ear to ear whenever they talk about her. A baby born into a loving special family. One of God's blessings.

And the balloons. Well the balloons will be a permanent fixture within our home for days to come. They will slowly begin to loose their air, but the enjoyment will live on and on and on and on.

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