Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Comfort Food

I haven't done a blip like this. It is late and when I loaded it I thought, "oh how boring, but it's too late to blip anything else". So I ran the photo through my editing software and came up with something that I think is fairly interesting. Not my most smashing blip in the world, but interesting none the less.

The meaning behind the blip is what is important. We had an extremely busy and productive day today. My parents were here and like clock work my Mom says to me this morning, "Okay, what projects can I help you with". She is a master organizer. A organizational thinker. 99% of her ideas are superb. But the 1% just absolutely blows us away. She tries to be bossy about that 1% but that is when I just have to put my foot down. And then after all the discussion she says, "yeah, you are probably right". Ooooh she is a one of a kind. One of the most giving and compassionate women on the planet. She has her own little ways of doing things and always (usually) keeps a good sense of humor when we tease her about her organizational quirks.

Today, we got a lot done around here. Things that I didn't even realize needed to be organized. We were on a roll. Until that 1% came along. Then we would stop. Both plead our cases. I would have to win because come on, she wins the other 99%. And then she'd say, "hmmm, I don't like not getting my way". "I KNOW MOM!!!" And then we both laugh because we have been this way our whole life. Me, pretty easy going about most things but adamant about something when I need to be. And my sister is totally the opposite. For her it is just a, "Uh.....no Mom." And we are all so close that this just works for us.

So we organized the kids closets and packed up clothes that have gotten too small. We sorted through toys. We moved my daughter's clothes to the bottom drawers so that she can start feeling good about picking out her own clothes (thanks Mom). And we put up some picture frames. It feels so good to actually print some of the photographs that I take. It is so easy to leave them on the computer and think, "Oh one of these days I'll get to that". To finally have a day where I got to that feels really good. Because the photographs that I chose to hang today mean a lot to me. And they help to personalize our home even more than it already is.

Tonight we all went out to dinner, hence the menu blip. We were so busy all day that I did not get my camera out. I ordered the Chicken Ciabatta Sandwich this evening and it was delicious. True comfort food. Food that just makes you smile after a long and productive day. I used my nifty fifty to try to zero in on my dinner selection. The sandwich had chipotle on it. And I love chipotle.

On the drive home, my son asked me to tell them stories from when I was a little girl. So I told my kids a long story about me going to an ice cream shop. They asked a lot of questions. And they really seemed to enjoy it.

So I asked my son to tell us a story:

Well I don't know any.

Sure you do. Tell me a story about when you were four. (he's now 4 1/2)

Ooooh, okay. When I was only four, I went on a jet plane. All the way to Arizona. And they had a cactus there with sunglasses on it. And it was so funny. And there was also this camo golf cart. And it was so cool.

That was a great story. Let's let your sister tell a story now.

Go ahead honey.

When I wuz a dittle durl (little girl), when I was two (she is two) and so dittle (little), I went to an dice dream dop (ice cream shop).........

Hey, that's Mommy's story.

It's okay, it can be her story too. Start again honey.

Oooh tay, when I wuz a dittle durl, when I was two and so dittle, I went to an dice dream dop......

Oh my gosh, her little story was so precious. And it was exactly like mine but told through the eyes of a two year old. I am sure that tonight won't be the last time that we hear about her trip to the ice cream shop, when she was only two. I had to share this conversation because it is one that I always want to remember. I absolutely adore my kids and these are moments that need to be recorded.

Today was a good, productive family day and I couldn't feel any more blessed than I do right now. Thanks for the help today Mom and Dad!!!

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