
8 months (34 weeks + 5)

I struggled to pick between three pictures today for my blip. I chose this one in the end because it makes me smile. Katie spent 15 minutes playing incredibly excitedly with her sock - she waved it, she chewed it, she pulled it and squished it. And then she got the second one off. Bliss.

Katie at 8 months

In the past month Katie has learnt to-
* commando crawl with some speed
* play peekaboo using objects
* clap
* open drawers - and empty their contents

* trip to the beach (03.06.09)
* night where she slept through (03.06.09 - must have been the sea air!)
* painting session (13.06.09)
* time in the big shopping trollet seats.

She likes:
* soft toys. A lot.
* still having 'mobile time' in her cot, watching the monkey and frog
* snuggling up across the bottom of the cot.
* emptying bags
* playing in swings

She dislikes:
* getting changed after her bath - still
* being given medicine
* being out of her normal routine

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