Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

"Operation Kitchen Cabinets"

"Operation Kitchen Cabinets" Day 1:

Sanding. Too bad that you can't just cut to the chase in a project and get right to the fun stuff. The painting. Today, I worked on the prep. The process of taking the doors off and the drawers out of the cabinets. I'm working my way around the kitchen, one section at a time so that I don't create total chaos in there all week long. (Actually my husband's idea as I would have just taken ALL the doors off and emptied ALL the drawers ALL at the same time). I quite like his idea as it made clean-up a snap today. Oh and by the way, he is totally on board with O.K.C. now.

So today I was in the kitchen taking down a door while my husband ran to the hardware store for some supplies. He is working on building a floor to ceiling pantry in our laundry room and it is going to fabulous. So as I was taking down a door, I heard, "hey, anyone home?", coming from the open garage. It was a good friend of ours. "Yeah, come in. I'm in the kitchen". So our friend walks in and the look on his face was priceless. "Wooaaa, what are you doing???" he asked as I had a screwdriver in my hand and a crooked hanging cabinet door in the other. "Oh didn't you hear, I'm painting our kitchen cabinets". The laughter was contagious. It was a very funny moment. Maybe a 'had to be there moment', but funny none the less.

Our kids spent much of the day at Grandma's so we really got a head start on our projects. I am almost halfway through the sanding. A tedious process but one that I want to spent a lot of time on. The better the sanding, the better the paint will look in the long run. That's my theory. But I have called it quits for today. The kids are all tucked into bed and well what do know, my husband is still walking around with his headlamp on, tinkering with some wiring in the laundry room. He has a few more minutes until I might have to insist that he watch the funniest show of all time with me: Modern Family. A laugh out loud. Even if you are watching by yourself.

So today's journal is a reflection of Day 1. O.K.C (Operation Kitchen Cabinets)

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