Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Another dewdrop on a weed - sorry

Yesterday was insane. The students moved into our housing (dorms) on campus, and it was non-stop all day long. I didn't get home until really, really late after speaking (rambling really) to the largest group of parents we've ever seen.

This shot was supposed to be a bit more special, but the sun was nowhere to be found yesterday morning. This seemingly everyday-looking grass is actually wheat that my son planted from mature wheat seeds that he and his class picked and planted. I am amazed at how fast it has grown. It's like magic!

So being one of two not-so-exciting wheat grass photos, I jazzed it up a bit with too much editing. ha!

3 good things:
1. Dr. Pepper in my lunch box
2. Happy students
3. Hugs and kisses from my boys (all three of them)

So it's off to the shower, as I am off to work again today once my husband comes home from work.

Oh, and to top things off yesterday (and obviously today) was the nicest day we've had all summer. Why oh why, when I have to work all day. Grrr...

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