Club 107

By club107

It's just a perfect day - permitted fruit

I'm not a fan of the Lou Reed song at all, (in fact any song appropriated by the media/The Man for some campaign I tend to have difficulties with, 'Oh it is a great feel good song, let's use it for our buy more X campaign' call me a cynic, anyway, where was I,) that song has rolled round my head, possibly successfully achieving that which I criticise. Thing is, sometimes there are days where the chemistry of the weather, the company, things done just make it a brilliant day and today was one of those. Last night we had not planned to have the girl's friends for a sleepover but it just kind of happened.

They watched a film in cinema 2 of our cineplex while we relaxed in front of This is England 86. That was the plan but if you have not yet seen the programme, it is anything but relaxing, in fact it is not for those of a sensitive disposition at all, in fact watching it just before going to bed was not a grand plan.

Anyway up after a nice sleep we had a great day, girls playing, no hassle whatsoever, four is the magic number, no fighting over who plays with the guest, note to self, double sleepovers require little additional effort.

Thus breakfast was followed by lunch and then we decided to go for some brambles with seven children in tow, we ended up laughing as we threw apples to dislodge others as they tumbled down on heads. This was followed by apple and bramble crumble, made with part of the afternoon's booty, with our neighbours. We cam back with some amazing fruit collection. Apple and ginger chutney here we go. Such a pleasurable end to a day. If all weekends could be half as good as this I'd be happy.

So these are some of the apples with a surprise insect even making an appearance.

Back to work tomorrow, it feels like have had a week off.


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