Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Don't give up

This is dedicated to my dearest G. I'm devasted by your news today. My old friends here from ivillage FI and PAFI going way back will understand what I'm saying and thinking.

Adversity is thrown at you and it makes no sense, but the boys here are testament to what can be overcome if you want something bad enough, I mean really badly. We cannot know the answers why, nor understand the pain, grief, anger, loneliness that comes from this. Yet we can only look to the future and in the meantime, pour our heart, soul, body and mind into making it happen. And it will, even if it manifests itself in a form we could never have envisaged.

With love.

PS: Today, shortly after this, Callum counted to 10 all by himself whilst I swung him back and forth and Reuben met a fellow heart kid who came up to me and say Hi, I'm Elliot, both of them with their scares peeking through their open shirts, and born just 2 days before Reuben. They would have been in intensive care together at Children's Hospital though we didn't get to meet all the families, cocooned as we were by Reuben's cribside.

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