
This footbridge connects beneath the Central Library with the quadrangle between it and the Registry building.

On the right edge is is the main entrance to the library (currently off-limits). In the background are the first couple of floors of the library. The doorway at the far end of the footbridge is the entrance to the security office.

I talked to one of the security guys on duty the night of the earthquake. He and a colleague were in their room beneath the library and had just said to one another how quiet it was.

Then they heard a rumbling. Initially they thought it was very low plane or a huge truck. The joinery and windows started rattling, then the building shook and the sound of a million plus books toppling off shelves that fell like dominoes in the floors above left them in no doubt it was an earthquake.

Without a word they both ran across this footbridge. He described it as swaying and waves were breaking over it. We reckon the water is approximately half a metre below the bridge.

Benign today but not then.

Today we had the largest aftershock we've experienced during work hours. Up on the 4th floor we did a bit of swaying. I looked out the window at the Central Library. The building was shimmering and the I could see the reflections in the windows facing me vibrating and wobbling. A little unnerving.

The aftershocks are less but I still find them unnerving and startling.

Dad remains in hospital. We wait for a clearer picture of what they think they can do and what it all means.

A late blip as Another day of being CK has been round to do her photo shoot of me for her earthquake assignment. We had a cup of the tranquility tea besideherself sent me. Hope we both sleep well.

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