Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

A Gentle Man.

The British Heart Foundation has launched the Doubt Kills campaign, which urges people not to delay calling 999 if they start getting chest pains.

Every time I see this I find it deeply upsetting. For anyone who has witnessed someone experiencing such constricting chest pain it is a very powerful image and reminds me keenly of the last few days of my Father's life.

When the Paramedics came to take my Father to hospital, my Father knew he would never return home again and insisted on walking to the ambulance outside. I can remember watching him, not fully understanding the situation, but feeling absurdly proud.

My Dad, who perhaps thought he would never have a family,having lost his first wife to multiple sclerosis, who finally, in his forties, met my mother and had three daughters. He was a real gentleman in both senses of the word.

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