Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Pitter Patter

These little feet pitter patter into our bedroom at different times in the morning.

The smallest little feet come running around 5am. They jump up into open arms, get cozy and continue sleeping for a couple more hours.

The biggest feet come walking in slowly around 7:30am. They climb up, get cozy, and settle in for morning cartoons.

Both feet pitter patter at different times of the morning for different reasons. But the common interest that they share, is the need for some cuddle time.

And that is time that is sacred, precious, and always welcomed.


This morning's conversations between the two of them:

My son: Knock knock?!

My daughter: Who's there.

My son: Door.

My daughter: Door who.

My son: Aren't you glad I didn't say LEMON!!!!!


And later on a conversation I overheard as they were playing:

My son: Hey, go down to the basement okay?!

My daughter: Basement???

My son: Mom......do we have a basement?

Me: No hon, we don't have a basement.

My son: Oh. Never mind.


And later:

My son: Hey there's a bug on you.

My daughter: No, no bugs!

My son: It's a sticky bug.

My daughter: Nooo, no buggies!

My son: Just kidding. There's not a bug on you.

My daughter: I don't like buuuuuuugs!


And now:

My son: Hey, when I saw 'WALK' you say 'BUGS'

My daughter: Okay.

My son: 'WALK'

My daughter: 'WALK'

My son: No, you say 'BUGS'

My daughter: 'BUGS'

My son: 'WALK'......'BUGS'

My daughter: 'BUGS.....'BUGS'


And these little conversations will continue to go on all day.

And I love it.

I love these little feet!

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