Meandering Through Life

By lainie


We've had a busy old day. The Boy was up at stupid o'clock this morning - despite looking like he hasn't slept in a fortnight. We caught the train into Edinburgh before 9am, and headed straight up to the National Museum of Scotland, which it turned out didn't open until 10am. So we spent a while in Greyfriars Kirkyard and then went into the museum. We were there until lunch time when we headed to Richer Sounds to pick up our new (and first) Blu Ray player. Then it was off to The Filling Station for lunch - you see here The Boy eating his ice cream - not sure where he found room to put it! A quick trip to John Lewis followed (yeah, I know, sounds unlikely!), the BHS (completely pointless!) and then home in the train.

I don't know about anyone else, but I need my bed!

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