Life with K.C.


So proud...

At school they have a 'Gold Star Assembly' each week. Two children from each class are awarded Gold Stars for being good. On the second week back Big Daughter was awarded one for good work at RE, last week Pink Twin got one for all round good work and today the hat-trick Blue Twin got one for good handwriting. Soooooo proud.....

Oh and also Pink Twin and Blue Twin have been voted on to School Council. They get to help run the school (at the age of 5). There are two members for each class, they all got to vote who they wanted. Pink Twin voted for herself and her brother, Blue Twin voted for himself and his sister... feels like they fixed the vote between them.... Here are the badges they have to wear every day....

School is a bit tricky in our house. Blue Twin is left handed and couldn't hold a pencil at all before September. He has improved so much! Pink Twin is a really hard worker has beautiful writing, good reading and loves to do 'home work' when she gets home. Big Daughter is beautiful, loving and caring. Big Daughter also finds school very tricky. She has struggled since starting. We have had lots of assessments to see if there is a reason for it. Her concentration is poor, her writing is barely legible, she has a poor pen grip and finds maths very hard. I had a lightbulb moment this week. My brother-in-law was visiting from 'up north' and said that his daughter was diagnosed as dyslexic recently, just like her brother. I've since done research and think that's what Big Daughter may have. I know the road ahead will be hard work for her but at least I'll be able to learn how to support her. I have a meeting with her teacher on Wednesday & will be getting her formally assessed next month. I feel like a weight maybe about to be lifted off my shoulders...

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