Kate's place

By kater

That Spider (or The Blip That Got Away)

This blip doesn't do justice to this beautiful spider: somewhat blurry and not his best side. But I've been trying to blip him for days, straining behind a fence to reach him amid the plants where he lives. This is my last day on this job and so the last day in this park for a while, so this is it. It was nice that a fly stopped by to complete the photo.

Unfortunately, I missed a more exciting shot by obsessing on this spider. People walking up the trail behind me reported that three of the elusive coyotes that live in this park were on the trail behind me. I looked up, and a very blippable coyote stood in the middle of the trail, but before I had my camera ready, he vanished. In all my visits to the park, this was the first sighting I had of a coyote, though I knew they lived there. I was almost late for work as I searched for the coyotes, but they were gone.

So I got that spider, and now I have a new ambition for whenever I'm back in this park -- a coyote blip!

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