As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Homecoming 2010

I slept until 8:30 today. I NEVER sleep that late! I'm so proud of myself :)

Took the bus to me cross country meet today at 12. I ran JV for the first time today and I came in 20th place in the race, first for my team, and had a time of 19:07. Nothing fantastic but I'll take it. Got very annoyed at the end of my race but I got over it... I stayed the whole meet (bad idea) and got back at 4:30. I fought with my mom for a little about going to Panera with the team today but I got to go.

I DOUBLE LIFE-GOALED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! So last year, Jess made a really long list of life goals and this year I made one too. Her's is full of really cool stuff and mine's kinda lame but I made one notheless. On that list are two goals that I completed today: Eat at Panera and put my wallet in the back pocket of my jeans and keep it there. :D The kids that went home on the bus (that's only like 9 kids...) went to Panera for dinner. I was honestly surprised that they invited me because it was mostly seniors. I had the most delicious sandwich...Erin drove me to homecoming (don't tell my mom!) and she really is as crazy as Marty says...

I sat with a ton of people and watched the game. I left after halftime and we were winning something like 32-0 so I think we won... The halftime show was great! Our float won 3rd place...better luck next year! The marching band put on a great performance! So did the dance team and the cheerleaders.

Now I'm home and I'm going to read my 750ish page book for a book report due in a week and a half. Good night!

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