As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

bum-bum HORNS PLAY bum-bum HORNS PLAY!!!

688 words. Only 188 more to take out by Friday!

Easy practice today...nothing really exciting happened today.

Orchestra tonight! I'm 8th chair!!! (Out of 14) That's the best I've been out of the four concerts I've been in! My conductor is so funny. The title is what she hears at a certain part in one of our songs. I think she was hinting that she wanted the horns to play softer...

Another funny thing she said today, "[referring to the basses] You're the little kid that has cooties...NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY WITH YOU!" She wasn't too pleased with the basses tonight...but nothing wrong with the cellos :)

This is me holding my cello teacher's trumpet that she let me borrow because I want to learn the trumpet. It's not going too well...

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