As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

And They're Off!

Last dual-meet today :(

School is becoming boring...which isn't a good thing considering I have to be there for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 180 days a year... Particularly my Italian and Global classes. I understand that teachers have to teach slow enough fot the slowest student to keep up, but at this point, it's just getting ridiculous. Today in Italian, we were told to re-write the prepositional contraction chart that we've been learning for 3 years and to make a poster with it for homework. I sat writing lyrics to songs the whole class and although I wish I was rebellious enough not to do the homework, sadly I'm not so now I have to do that...she wasn't too clear about the requirements...I'm not sure she knew what she was trying to make us do.

GLOBAL!!! I have Global ninth period, which should automatically bump it up about 10 levels on the good class scale. Second, I have the best people in my class. When I got my schedule and found out who was in my class, I was so excited for this class. Sounds great, right? NOT! This is my teacher's first year teaching at my school, but he's been teaching this subject for 10 years in another school. He's a nice guy but we haven't learned ANYTHING!!! So far, we've had about 4 quizzes that he's given us the answers to right before we took them, and one "CIA", which is a "portfolio assignment". Portfolio for what, no one knows. It stands for Current Issues Analysis, so even though we're supposed to be learning about ancient history, we had to write a paper on a current issue. He just threw points around on this one. He gave my friend Jaclyn an 85 just because she wrote about the effect of facebook on the world. To many, this is and ISSUE and it is undoubtedly CURRENT and she sure did ANALYZE the ISSUE! According to him, it wasn't "traditional" and it was different from all of the other articles. (This was all confirmed by Jaclyn herself) I know it's not fair that he doesn't get to defend himself on this particular situation but this blog is about my thoughts and this is what I think. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. UGH!!!


Last dual-meet today :( We raced against Roslyn and we beat them...bad. We had 8 guys finish before their second best guy. I think it's safe to say that we won :) We still have a few more meets but this was the last regular weekday meet. This is the boys varsity team taking off. (Taken by Aly) I'm the redhead in the middle :)

*A note from yesterday* PAT IS THE FRESHMAN CAPTAIN! He just wanted me to tell you that.

I ran something around 19:00 flat. I was 9th for my team, as usual, but I felt good today. After my race, me, Aly, Brendan, and Grace played with light writing! We got pretty good at it but I'm saving that for a special occasion. I got back home at 6:45, took a shower, and grabbed a Lunchables pizza and drove to...boy scouts... We learned a little bit about the newer kids tonight. Not the most exciting meeting ever...

Now to work on that Italian poster :(

Sometimes I forget that other people read this...

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