Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

And......aaaaah, Content

Content. One of my closest friends and her brand new baby girl. Content.

When I had my second baby, I felt at an instant that my family was complete. I felt the feeling of contentment. From deep in my soul. That it was our plan from God above to have two precious children.

My close girlfriend knew deep down in her heart that she truly wanted to have three children. It was a feeling that she could not explain. She just knew that it was her destined plan. And now that life has gifted her with her three wonderful children, she can sigh and enjoy that feeling of contentment.

I admire her so much for following her heart. I admire her husband for understanding how important it was to help bring a third child into their lives. The feeling of being absolutely content is not something that you can just tell yourself to feel. It is a feeling that comes from within. All the way from your soul.

My eyes well in tears at times when I think about the treasure that this family has been given with the arrival of their brand new baby girl. Their family is finally complete. And there is a warm glow. A peaceful calm. And it is so absolutely wonderful!

Content. Aaaaaah, content.

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