Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Bubble Juice

'Bubble Juice' is our family name for Sprite. We have a lot of invented words that have stuck and are continuously used in our household. Yogurt is 'Fancy Yogurt'. Eggs are 'Eggies'. And when my daughter ordered her lunch today, the new word became 'Dench Dies' (french fries).

Today we went out to lunch. Just the four of us. We have really tried to not get in the habit of eating out a lot due to this kitchen remodel. Dinners we have had almost exclusively here (with the exception of dinner invites and deliveries from my Mother-in-law, thank you), but lunches, we have grabbed a few lunches out here and there. And they have been Subway as Subway is our son's favorite restaurant. I've mentioned before but he loves to sing the song, "Subway, eat fresh".

This afternoon, we actually went inside and enjoyed a nice sit down lunch together. It was kind of a special occasion as we just placed the order for our cabinets, etc., etc. this morning. So it is official. In 3 to 6 weeks, we will have the makings of our new kitchen. So we celebrated and to help celebrate, the kids got to order 'Bubble Juice'.

As we were sitting at the table, I noticed that the light was shining through my daughter's glass of bubble juice quite nicely. I snapped a few photos. And yes, to everyone who knows us, before the meal was over, the entire glass was spilled all over the table. Our kids have been in quite a long 'spilling' phase. Our son is working himself out of it and our daughter is right in the heart of it. Our very personable and cheery waitress brought her out a new one within minutes of the spill. And then ten minutes later, the waitress spilled a bowl full of packaged creams and made sure to come over and reassure our daughter that even big people spill too. It was pretty sweet of her. The kids loved this gal. Quite the enjoyable little lunch out today.

So after running around and checking things off of our long kitchen 'to-do' list, we started our projects late this afternoon. My husband laid down the plywood for our extension of hardwood flooring and I started priming the kitchen walls and ceiling. We've made a lot of progress and it feels so good knowing that the end of all of this is definitely in site. One more month or so of waiting for the final touches to arrive, but most of the hard labor is over. Now we get to pick some new paint colors for the walls.
Since we have so much waiting time now, all of our lower level walls and ceiling are going to get a fresh new coat.

Oh and I had the most delightful little time at home depot today while buying more paint. I was in my paint outfit. The shorts and shirt that I have worn for painting over probably the last 10 years. You can just imagine how put together I looked during today's errand. A woman approached me and asked, "Are you painting?". I looked at her and then at my outfit and started laughing. I realized that she was being sarcastic due to my appearance and we both got a good chuckle over that. She was an older gal and was picking out some bold colors for her home....much to her daughter's dismay. I left the building smiling because I love little spontaneous social interactions like that.

Okay, time to sign off here. This kitchen looks so nice with a fresh coat of paint.

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