
By Fisherking

Here comes the Sun...............

Ok , Ok I know this is another garden blip, but this is a view that we haven't seen for about 8 years.

Next door's garden has slowly been going to rack and ruin, and causing us problems. There were two neat little Eucalyptus trees which got out of hand, so much so that one had a branch about 20ft long over our garden and I had to threaten to cut it off and sling it back over the fence in bits. They had the whole tree cut a local farmer.

That was about 5 years ago and since then all the trees in the garden have got away from them, the second Eucalyptus, several Lleylandii, plum tree, conifer, standard rose, magnolia and a yew. All of them a minimum of 10ft high, some over 30ft.

Anyway.....last week the trees suddenly started disappearing and now the evening Sun can now get into that corner of our garden. Seemingly they're all going, except for the yew, which is being cut back and retrained so it's not growing over our fence, so the amount of Sun that reaches us is going to increase many times over. It's a pity though because Ilike trees and if they'd been kept in check there wouldn't have been a problem and they could have survived.

I've had a thought for number 100 tomorrow but I'll have to see if it works out and if I can "steal" some computer and printer time at work tomorrow....good job we're on half term.

Das vidanya.

P.S Did you notice that at ten past eight tonight it was 20:10, 20/10, 2010?

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