Family 6

By meganrose

Sleeping angels

I popped upstairs to have a sneaky peak at Blip. All went silent. I popped back to find out what mischief was being created and this is what I found.

I think they are a little exhaused after yesterday. It wasn't all sad yesterday, there were some funny moments which I left unrecorded. Today, however, is a new day....

Where do they find the organists for church? Whilst they were walking my grandad down the aisle yesterday, just as the altar was approached I think someone pushed the organist off his chair. The music suddnely went bbllluuurrppp and changed tune. My sister and I were crying and gulping giggles all at once. The playing didn't improve, the hymns were bonkers, not helped by my sister suddenly singing the wrong words rather loudly...

Afterwards, at The Midland, my mum said the word 'perspire' when she meant 'transpire'.

And when everyone else went home we took the kids bowling with my brother, his family and our parents. I Whooped ass. And that NEVER happens.

So, no wonder my babies are so tired, I know I am.

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