I refuse

to engage with Halloween. If I ignore it, then I might perhaps be able to delay the other thing that I am dreading most. Christmas. So, before "Bah humbug" it is "Boo Humbug" in this house.

Well, except for the fact that I have dyed my hair a gothy purpley/black (ish), that I allowed James to go trick or treating with one of his friends and I engaged in a silly moment with Corin, a mask and a cigarette, the result of which will most likely become his blip.

But aside from that, I am not engaging.

I have not decorated the house. I didn't buy any pumpkins. I didn't even buy any sweeties for potential Trick or Treat visitors - on the basis that no-one comes down our street anyway. It's 9pm. I think I was right. Maybe the locals know that Corin would answer the door with one of his particularly scary faces.

James has come back with a major haul though. So thank you to those of you who DO engage with this 'event' - you have contributed to our sweetie stash :-)

On the basis of my refusal to engage, I therefore had to ponder on blip shots today. Fortunately, I chanced upon a particularly fiery sunset this afternoon so dashed out to get a couple of shots. Not my best, but I like it.

Other than that, my knee is better today - bit crunchy but not painful. I have managed to do some work as well, seeing as my boys deserted me for the day (one to work, one to play). Now off to put the laundry away and tidy James' room up. No doubt I will be engaged in further discussion about the prospect of adding a Bearded Dragon to our household pet count (2 cats, 12 fish and a dragon - could be a book title).

Enjoy the rest of your evening.

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