
By elleelle

Happy Halloween!

Dorothy came over for dinner, because it is my sister's last night in town.

While watching football, she told me again exactly why she does not like the Patriots. The conversation (exactly the same as it was today) can be seen here. For other gems from Dorothy, you can visit this day in January.

Tonight, as I was driving her home, I was going slowly because I did not wish to hit a trick-or-treater. This was her solution:

Dorothy: Put the brights on. They will scatter.
Me: They are children, not roaches. I am also concerned about doing irreparable damage to their retinas.
Dorothy: Well, those honyaks (Definition #2) need to get out of the middle of the road.
Me: I feel like this is the only time they are allowed in the middle of the road at night, let's let them live.
Dorothy: Hmph.

*I carved this pumpkin earlier today. It was a lot more work than I anticipated. Next year's will most likely be simpler.

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