Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

old boot........

i am starting to feel like a tired worn down old boot myself. left the house briefly to go to the cafe, was over the moon when i realised that they do a take out full breakfast. ye cannae beat a fry up (even in an english cafe).

well as you can see i'm following up the old skool theme with a classic game, "monopoly." i can staying at my aunt and uncles in uphall as a kid and playing this with my bro and cousin and the games would last forever. it was a bit like cricket (only more interesting) as you could stop and have lunch and then go back to it. hell sometimes you needed the break. did the creators of the game know that it could take up an entire weekend. they obviously had kids and found a foolproof way of get some peace for a few hours/days........maybe even weeks. how long has anyone played this game before snapping and stoming off to do something more worthwhile.

you may also notice that this board is somewhat dated as it contains the original streets and buildings, unlike the many new boards and themes. i must confess to owning a simpsons version too.

more DIY today, which was essentialy more filling, sanding and painting. lets hope the viewing doesn't get changed again.......at least the work is getting done. why did it take for us to move to make this place more like the home we had planned?

as always have a good week folks

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