Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

satans tour bus.......

wow, this all seems a bit fancy now. just uploaded my first blip under the new system......so far so good.
well this is not the blip i had intended for today, how often have so many of us said that before? i really did have todays blip in my head and all sorted out but when i loaded up todays shots i coldn't help but go with this one.
i did shoot it in B&W but then boosted the highlights a lot and the shadows ever so slightly.
on a bit of a weird one just now which probably explains todays choice. it was taken at stratford bus station/DLR/mainline rail terminal. (all 3 meet up here). oddly enough it is the niest thing around here. i have only been here once before to see a show some of Mrs McD's friends were in. i swore then i wouldn't come back but what the hell it was morning and daylight so i thought i'd risk it. i only wish we had a scratch & sniff option available with blip as i feel you lot are missing out on the real impact it has on you. it almost had a physical presence.

monday now over and done with, bring on the rest of the week

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