The food blip

I've never blipped my dinner before so it had to happen at some stage.

This is the main ingredient in the Fish Finger and Bean Pie in which the topping is actually cheesy mashed potato. Don't all rush for the recipe now.

In other news, Mrs Smith has spent most of the day on a purge of all the kids toys and the local charity shops are bulging. We've also had a stream of people from Freecycle, including one girl who was overwhelmed to be getting Jack's old accordion. It turns out she had sold hers to help fund the cost of her wedding a few years ago. I hope her husband forgives us when she fires up that accordion - it's a huge electric version. We gave it away in case any of the kids took a shine to it.

Off to a fireworks party this evening after I've rang Mum who is in hospital getting her second knee operation this year. She'll be dancing on the tables at Hogmanay I expect. I may even have to ring Smithski as it's his Birthday today. He's probably asleep already though, too much excitement at his age can be very tiring.

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