
By scintilla

Wasilla Train Depot

As Chaos has demonstrated before, a lot of Alaska is decorated with lights in the winter to break the monotony of long nights. This is a historic landmark built in 1917. I can hear the Europeans laughing. Regardless, Wasilla became an important crossroads for those traveling from Anchorage to the interior, miners from Hatcher Pass, and the supply point of Knik Landing. With the building of the railroad, Wasilla eclipsed Knik as a commerce center for mines and the like for the Matanuska Susitna Valley and Knik became a ghost town.

I'm doing a super cop out for this weeks assignment. This is as old school as it gets in Wasilla.

If I had remembered to turn EXIF on, you would have seen that this is a 4 second exposure. Not bad at holding still huh?

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