Still raining....

and damp, and soggy out here at Big Hill....but i've been inspired by so many amazing images taken in the rain, after the rain, while it's raining hard or soft....and having been told by this cheeky blipper! to 'go on, get out in the rain'....i put on my hooded rain jacket, and wandered around. I didn't go too far, around the pond, cos i always find something very intriguing and captivating there....and i wasn't disappointed. Also, it's close to the studio and i have a mountain of work to do! so, while it was raining - mind you only a wee bit - i felt like i was part of the more courageous blipper movement out there.....and actually had quite a nice time. Next time i'll make i put on my waterproof footwear too!!!

In other news.....i'm busy getting stuff made in the studio, only about 2 1/2 weeks till the christmas show.....i actually love the industrious feeling i have in the morning! The timing is pretty important, need to get all the 'wet' work done by this thurs at the latest, then it's into the firing, waxing, glazing and decorating cycle, which has such a different flow to it. I enjoy that aspect of my work, moving thro different rhythms. Just finished a good book on cd and just started a new one, this one is a PD James mystery.....all very curious with their lovely British Accents ..... i really enjoy a good mystery while working in the studio.

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