Dutch Skies

By RonBuist

Bird feeder revisited

Knowing that it would be another day of training at work without any photo opportunities, I took some shots of the bird feeder this morning, where our small feathered friends were helping themselves to a nice meal just like a couple of days ago. I already had a feeling I would be needing one of these shots...

I must admit I was somewhat surprised by the comments on yesterday's blip. I am not at all negative towards the training, in fact I organized the whole event. I just thought it was funny their course books have the text 'Success starts here' on them... I'm learning lots of things and it should help me prepare for the certification exam I plan on taking early next year. I think it is time well spent and it should get me and the company I work for in a better position to win new projects.

The project I am working on continues in my absence, of course. Because some things are rather urgent I will log on to the company network after publishing this blip, so I can finish a bit of work that will enable some other people to continue their work tomorrow. I'll probably catch up with you later this week!

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