My Angle

By myangle

Colour on Concrete

This is one of thousands phone/electricity sub stations around town. I am not sure which but I am leaning toward phone. The council gets local artists to paint them which adds a splash of colour to something otherwise dull. I might work on a series of them sometime soon. They will make good filler blips.

I like this. I had to go into the city to see a specialist about my knee and was positively drooling at the blip opportunities.

It rained,

Not to worry. There were still plenty crowds of people hurrying to work, buildings, trains and lots of other stuff to photograph. On my way back from my appointment, I saw this and decided that my blip was done. It doesn't matter that I can photograph it in any neighbourhood!


I have done another 12 hour day today and it'd taking it's toll. Still, I am thinking of the bike fund. Every bit helps. At this rate I will get there faster than I anticipated. I think it's funny how I normally don't distinguish between Jo's money and mine. It all goes into the fund and is distributed as needed. If she wants something she gets it , and same for me. Suddenly when I want something like this (expensive), I start looking at any extra as MINE! I shouldn't (and don't really in practice). I suppose that it helps me to justify all this extra work I am doing for a boss who doesn't appreciate me (or consider myself and the other non-management employees and equals when it comes to being human).

So ends another day. I have found a race bike mechanic and the bike is on the trailer waiting to be dropped off sometime tomorrow. I don't dare to believe that they can fix it.

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