Susie'sLittle London Life

By susieb

Birthday Cake!

Didn't quite go according to plan.

The icing balloons, meant to go along the side didn't set as they were too wet; I used 2 out of a predicted 16.

I suddenly realised I needed marzipan (long story, blame the recipe book) and had to make a sudden, last minute dash to Sainsbury's.

I had a rather long battle with the icing until it finally surrendered and did as I wnated.

All in all, it was rather close to the wire, but then that's my MO (anyone who knows me, and is reading this will be chuckling now).

Turned out alright in the end!

But, more importantly, Sam has got croup and so what does it matter? It's just a cake! ..... he's feeling better tonight after a trip to A&E and some steroids.

And I'm sure he'll get to enjoy some in due course.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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