Möbius Miss

By WifeOfRiley

A good day

Today I went to a meeting, again driving through the Manchester traffic in the rush hour- but lucky for me as I was going into the city my side of the motorway was flowing nicely. Even 6 months ago having to use the motorway would have stopped me from going but I feel much more confident in myself these days. The meeting was really interesting, I found out a lot of helpful information for my new role. The other thing is another opportunity has been suggested to me, something involving doing maths in school, which really makes me eeeekk with excitement (does that make me a geek?). 

On the way home I saw the lit domes of the Trafford Centre so decided to try to capture them from the car park. I've only been about three times as a passenger so trying to negotiate the lanes of the centre was a task and a half. In the end I found myself in the bowels so no dome for me at this point. Parking up I wandered inside to find a magical happy place. It was all beautifully lit for Christmas, huge decorated palm trees high enough to reach through the two floors, baubles and tinsel and LOADS of people. So snapped a couple of pics to try to capture the scale of the glass ceiling. 

Time was passing and I was still hoping for a dome picture but as I drove out I was directed into a lane for the motorway so perhaps another time for the domes.

And another door opens plus my motorway confidence has grown another inch or so. A good day. 

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