Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Reagan Airport, Washington DC

Up at the ungodly hour of 6:00 am for the drive from Yarmouth, on Cape Cod, to Boston and the second leg of the journey back home.

The rented Dodge Charger got us to Boston Logan Airport in good time, enough for me to smoke three cigarettes before entering my temporary nicotine-free prison. :-)

At Reagan Airport in Washington DC, we had a 90-minute stopover, enough for lunch and three more cigarettes outside and then having to go through the security rigmarole again.

This shot was the only one I took. The Capitol building on the horizon looked bigger in reality, so I was a little disappointed in how it turned out but it was shot from within the airport terminal.

I left Washington DC with a heavy heart. The thought of having to return to Jacksonville did not sit well, although I was willing to swap the 44-degree temperatures of Cape Cod for the 84 degrees in northeast Florida.

I enjoyed Cape Cod tremendously and will be back blipping in the course of the next couple of days. I am in still in the process of downloading the images from my cameras. Then there is the business of post-processing. At least it will keep me out of mischief for the next few days. :-)

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