
By middleman


Exhausted myself before lunchtme with a big swim and then faced the playgroup Christmas fayre in the afternoon. Spent a lot of £1s here and 50ps there on all the various activities but the girls did get presents from Santa and we did end up wth a fair bit of cake in the house.

Been loving Sufjan Stevens on the stereo in the house today whilst cooking and having a bit of computer time in the evening. (No idea why 'Ride The Hatch' is the tee to go with his 'Avalanche' album but there you go). Have seen the esteemed Mr Stevens live a couple of times. The second time was over in Glasgow with his Illinoisemakers, a cheerleader themed show with a cast of thousands. Great stuff, but I think the first time is the one that will really stick in the memory - just Sufjan, his banjo and an on-stage flip-chart of Michigan at Edinburgh's Venue.

Favourite album to actually listen to at home though is the first one I ever heard and it's the simplest, Seven Swans is just lovely. Dip a toe in the Sufjan water and check the temperature.

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