
By middleman


Have completely forgotten the main thrust of today's thoughts. I can remember they tied in with my favourite Miles Davis tunes being the ones where he doesn't actually play that much, it being just as important what he leaves out as what he puts in, and the space between the notes being just as important as the actual notes themselves. There was also a theory about dub reggae being almost perfect in its use of space, and the effects of delay and echo creating an ideal aural environment. But what the relevance of all this is has gone, I think it all came to me during a bout of washing up. A lot of thinking gets done at that sink, postioned underneath the large kitchen window that looks out over the park and across to the canal. But quite often those thoughts go the moment the last plate is racked and the last teaspoon goes into the cutlery holder.

A steady day of domestic stuff with the girls, to-ing and fro-ing. Catching up on some film review podcasts whilst doing my rounds and a a bit of home listening/modern classical from Max Richter (on the Fat Cat sub-label 130701, the same as Hauschka - recently mentioned by ether ghost and just sitting). He's done several albums now, but this is the one that I always return to. Very nice indeed.

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