Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

hey baby

or whatever it is that ducks say to each other. quack probably. anyway i have decided the best way to start the working day is to not go into the office in the morning. i did have to be at a meeting first thing but at least it wasn't THE OFFICE.

met a really nice guy today who was selling the big issue. i felt like killing some time so we got to chatting and when i was leaving i asked if i could take his picture? to which he said yes. so if you want to see steve click here.

so instead of steve, we have ducks. was watching these two drakes following this mallard about (i think thats the right terms for male and female ducks). and in typical male fashion these two were going all out to impress her and trying to outdo each other for her attention. eventually they got to the jostling each other point.
all i could think was how it reflected us human males. we too act in some very silly and embarrasing ways when trying to compete for a womans attention. in fact it is "traditional" for men to act as stupid as possible when trying to win the affection of our beloved. (ok so that last bit is a bit mills & boon like but you get the idea)
so on that very tenuous link to this weeks assignment i have posted this. plus i think the reflection of the flats on the water is well trippy and one of the drakes almost vanishes into it.

LATE EDIT: just looking at the bbc news website and saw this. this is sad news made worse by the fact that he is my favourite living writer.

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