Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Explosion of Grasses

More sorting through photographs today and deciding which images fit into the various categories I have chosen. It sounds a simple enough exercise but some of my urban pictures look more abstract and vice versa. I have nearly narrowed the selection down and hope to make a start on putting them on one of the Web pages. I have a feeling that could be a slow process but then again I have all the time in the world.

It was late afternoon again when I ventured out but with the sun shining brightly, I knew it would be interesting light. And so it proved as I saw these ornamental grasses back lit by the setting sun. I also knew that I would probably get a good effect using the high contrast B&W mode on the Ricoh.

I think the image speaks for itself on that score, turning the grasses into a veritable explosion of light and texture.

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