
By skaterg1rl

after the meeting where we were told the future was uncertain to say the least, me and the 3 lunchtime walkers went for a walk to digest the news.

in between the angst, speculation and shock we stopped long enough to notice how unusually calm the water was.

back to see the lovely physio who is getting the measure of how bossy she needs to be - quite bossy would be the answer...

and then scottish ballet's first night of sleeping beauty

it was all shaping up grand until cb2 vomited over me and himself during act2 and we had to make a sharp exit. and for good measure he was sick four more times once we were out of the auditorium making sure no-one was in doubt that he'd had sweetcorn for tea. at least he only manged to hit me.

we went home for a bath, babysitter came back with cb1 and i went back to the party.

can't complain about being bored at the moment

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