Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Homemade and Priceless

It was Parents' Evening at school tonight and in between appointments I was chatting with friends about the excitement of Christmas with young children and family traditions at this time of year. This year Becky will be celebrating Christmas with my brother and his family in Boston across the pond, and Jenny will be doing the rounds of Pete's family and ours, as you have to do when you have two families to consider, so Christmas for us does not have quite the same rush of excitement. However, I do enjoy decorating the tree and each bauble that comes out of the boxes has a memory attached. It was one of our family traditions for the girls to go to the garden centre and choose a bauble each which led to an eclectic mix of decorations, especially when Jen was going through her penguin phase! They also made their own decorations. The dough snowmen have long since been nibbled away by the mice in the loft, but the felt ones remain, of which this is one.

I didn't realise till I uploaded this blip that our entire living room is reflected in the bauble! You can almost spot what is on tv! Better in large.

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