
By flying

Our Day

Another warm blustery day greeted us. The kids are hot and bothered after a few sleepless nights from the heat but when we talked about feeding the ducks it was a mad rush to get the bread, get shoes on and off to the car. We picked Mum up and away we all went.

A collection of shots of this special time:
Daughter A stretched out with W and M feeding the ducks
Daughter E was in charge of the bread
M and W talking on their banana phones
M sharing the bread with W for the ducks and eels, no wonder there were no ducklings!

Home for lunch, no picnics today in this weather - a cool off under the sprinkler with squeals of delights as they ran through and then off to the local indoor pool - wow what a day!!

They are now tucked up in bed sound asleep, its still very windy but the temperature has dropped - perhaps a good nights sleep for all of us.
We have an exciting day tomorrow - our last full day together, we're doing something special for the kids, of all ages :)

I'll be back tomorrow and commenting will resume in a few days, looking forward to seeing your journals :))

PS I forgot to change my iso from last nights evening shots and I forgot my memory card - Daughter A came to the rescue, thankgoodness!! I had better
make sure I'm more prepared for tomorrow :)

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