Seeing Red

We decided to get out of the house for a bit on Boxing Day, so we went to Ocean Terminal for a quick look at the sales. MrsCyclops decided to take HMV up on one of their offer prices advertised here, but when she got to the checkout they tried to charge her more, and were very rude. I took this picture just before going back in with her to complain!

The person we dealt with immediately got aggressive with us (then accused us of being agressivve!) and kept blaming the computer and the people who printed the poster. No apology, no recognition that customers don't care about those issues, they just want to buy the goods at the advertised price...

My favourite bit was when he said "Look, it says 'while stocks last' so if I put one on the shelf later at the advertised price, buy it myself immediately, then return it for a refund, I am within the law and you can't do anything about it". Nice attitude!

So much for customer service and the Christmas Spirit HMV. You will be hearing more from me on this one...

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