Lali's World

By Lali

The Beauty of Puddles

Today I was off and it was a very dull, grey and dreich day. The temperatures have risen slightly in Edinburgh and it has been raining for the last couple of days. The snow is melting down and the streets are full of watery dirty grit.

This morning I got a nice email from my gym. They were a bit concerned because they hadn't seen me there for quite a while and they were wondering if I was ok. That email prompt me to move my lazy bum and go to the gym, hahaha!

I thought, since my gym is next to the Meadows, I would try and make some nice shots there, but today it was an utterly uninspiring day for taking photos. Too grey and dull, so I decided to take pictures of the puddles. This one seemed to me the most creative of the whole lot. It has grass, snow, water, grit and a nice reflection of the trees around! Not bad for a puddle!

Tomorrow I'm planning to go to the Distiller's fair happening at my workplace and have a few free whiskies! Anyone wants to join me?

Now relaxing at home, tomorrow I will feel sore!

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