Lali's World

By Lali

Lost Property

I took this picture on my way up to the Distiller's Fair, so I was not drunk yet, and yes, this is a furry mitten on a fence. Not something that you see every day. People just seem to forget stuff in the most unusual places. And, by the way, this is not the first one I see, the other day I saw a pink glove standing on a fence in the same fashion. Maybe there's an interesting story behind all this. The gloves on fences trail? Hmmm!

I had an interesting day today. First, on my way to the Distiller's Fair I met a friend I hadn't seen for ages who's doing these ceramic workshops that I might come along and attend one day. They sound really interesting. Then I went to the Distiller's Fair and, as I work there, I got quite a few drams for free, so I ended up a bit tipsy, hehe! :)

Afterwards, I went for lunch with some of my work mates to have something in my tummy to soak up all that whisky and then collapsed on my sofa at home. Then, in the evening, I met some friends for dinner (didn't touch the wine, by the way, hahaha) and I got finally home with a little hungover kicking in from this morning.

Not bad for a day!

Planning to go to the gym again tomorrow. See what happens! :)

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