Back in 5. Or tomorrow.

By mly

Lunch date

Met up with Sofia and her kids for a sushi lunch today and had a great time!
The girls sampled sushi for the very first time and both really liked the omelet, thought the salmon was okay, but weren't too fond of the California rolls. Very good for a first go I'd say!

After, I tried to capture the two of them with my camera, both of them totally full of mischief and having quite a bit of trouble just standing still for more than a few seconds :) Anyhoo, I got this pic that I really liked, and a few others that I'll be sending over to Sofia shortly. Not an official shoot though, so it's not the end of the world that I didn't get any more good ones!

I've been working today, but have also had time to go to the post office to pick up a Christmas gift, to go to the vet with Rennie since she's caught a cold (a real cuddly cat with a runny nose that sneezes a lot... not a good combo I'll tell ya!), and to go to the store to pick up the rest of the stuff we need for tomorrow's dinner. I barely made it home with everything I bought, it was so frikkin' heavy!

Tonight it's time to put the scallops in marinade, tomorrow morning before we leave the tuna goes into the same marinade (fish sauce, lemon juice and lime juice) and when we arrive it's time to marinate the salmon in soy sauce. The tuna and salmon will be eaten raw, and the scallops rolled in rice flower and quickly fried. That constitutes two out of three starters. After that I won't have to bother with any more cooking. Relaxing at the dinner table sipping my wine - that'll be me :)

Have a fantastic New Year's Eve everyone, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! I'm leaving for the land of almost no internet connection tomorrow before lunch, so I'll catch up with you when I get back Sat or Sun!

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