All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Edinburgh Skyline

After dosing Ethan up last night with baby cough mixture and baby Nurofen, he slept through till 5am (when he woke himself up with a huge coughing fit). Brought him through with us where he cuddled up to us for 45 minutes before going back to sleep till 7.30am.

Grandpa had gone home yesterday but Grannie stayed overnight with us again so Ethan & I had her company for breakfast. Grandpa came back late morning and the 4 of us then drove into Edinburgh to visit Foreveryoung and her hubbie. After lunch at their flat, Grandpa, Ethan & I braved the bus into Edinburgh City Centre. I hardly ever "do" public transport so this was quite a big deal for me! Ethan was good as gold on the bus and fell asleep in his pushchair nearly as soon as we got off. I'd wanted him to see all the lights and markets that are on in town at the moment as he loves pointing at lights and saying "ights"! However, he slept for over an hour and a half and only woke up as we were queuing to get the bus back to Foreveryoungs flat again!

After a lovely dinner at her flat, we bathed Ethan, got him ready for bed and popped him in the car for the journey home.

Hubbie working late again tonight so for the 2nd night in a row he hasn't seen Ethan at all. I know he really misses him when he doesn't see him, so suspect he won't be too upset if Ethan wakes early tomorrow!

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