a town called E.

By Eej

I missed it.

For weeks I thought: "Oh, I have to do something special for December 28th" ... and then I didn't.
Well, now I did, but it's about 43andahalf hours too late.

On December 28th 2005, around 6.30PM I hugged the Beloved for the first time, inhaled his scent and knew everything finally was right with the world.
Even if he did give me this stuffed toy* ;)

Ofcourse, I had seen him before. I had looked at his sweet face and messy hair after he'd gotten out of bed, I'd seen him after work. I had heard his lovely, soothing voice. Sometimes it would be the first voice I heard, but more often and for months it was the last voice I heard before falling asleep.

I had never touched him. I had never smelled or tasted him.
Until December 28th 2005 when we met in person after almost 6 months of technology aided wooing :)

And 3 days later we celebrated the new year together, in the house we now live in.

I love you, BB, now and always :)

And in a way only the universe can do it: as I'm typing this the Top 2000 is playing L.A. Woman by the Doors, the song the Beloved based the name on with which I came to know him: mr. Mojorisin'.

*it has *Michigan* embroidered on the front too :)

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